A Personal Petition

Almighty Eternal Holy One, the Most High, and Our Father…

May you hear my cry, and the cry of all of your people, worldwide, who are suffering now in ever-increasing numbers and intensity, because of our own sins… because we have rejected Your Original Plan to create us in your own image and likeness, and have, instead, decided to become “God” our own way, ever since the Garden of Eden, and even unto this very day.
We have acted foolishly, when there was no reason to doubt Your Love for us. All of creation is a witness of the Love You have in Your Heart. And, in an ultimate act of good faith, you risked the life of the One who had been with You in eternity, Your Partner through Whom you created the universe, in an effort to convince even the most stubborn and hard-hearted of us to believe that You truly love us (Jn 3.16).
We have now before us, the GOOD NEWS of the imminent fulfillment of the next TWO BIG EVENTS in Your Plan. Help us to understand the role and duty we now have of petitioning You to perform these NEXT TWO HOLYDAYS – just as surely as You have performed the very first Holyday – the PASSOVER.
Let our petition here be as the ones offered by Hezekiah (2 Kg 19) and Jehoshaphat (2 Chron 20), who were likewise faced with overwhelming foes, but yet were delivered when they fasted and petitioned You for help.

Therefore, let us consecrate A FAST in accordance with Your instructions in Joel 2.15, so that “Then the Lord will be jealous for His land, and will have pity for His people” (Joel 2.18).
Finally, help us to rejoice and praise You for these NEXT TWO HOLYDAYS that truly comprise the awesome GOOD NEWS (Gospel) that Your Son prophesied in Mt 24.14 would happen before the END, and make worldwide news as a witness to all nations that Your HOLY PLAN is in effect and that we can trust that Your Way is The Way to an eternal life of happiness and creativity with You and Your Son.
May those who sign this Petition also be recorded in Your “Book of Remembrance” according to Your Promise in Malachi 3:16-18.

This is my and our petition, offered in sincerity and truth, in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to You, God, Our Father, in accord with Col 3.17.

Signed: _____________________________________
(Sign and place this Personal Petition in your Bible)